in the works

Projects take a long time to come together in Hollywood, and sometimes they take even longer in the independent world, so we writers rush to get them written and then we wait forever to see them made. These are a few things I have written that haven’t been made yet – some are waiting to greenlight, and some of them are getting crispy in good old Development Hell…

Gavin Stone is a washed-up former child star whose community service hours at a local church lead him to playing Jesus in a local Passion Play. It’s a comedy with heart that will be directed by Dallas Jenkins in early 2015.

This is one that has been a long-term love. Based on the novel BOO by Rene Gutteridge, it’s a quirky comedy about a horror novelist whose new friendships with the local pastor and town sweetheart force his tourist trap home (Skary, Indiana) into a fight for its very existence. Come join us at the book series Facebook page for a few peeks into the project, and be sure read all these fun books!

A big, fun family comedy about a stay-at-home dad who is recruited by the CIA to spy on his mother-in-law, whom they think is a foreign operative. This has been the little spec that could.

There are a few more rattling around out there. I hope to add them to this list soon!

7 thoughts on “in the works”

  1. Greetings Andrea,
    I am getting “What If” for my next movie night. 🙂 I would like to connect as I am having my screenplay read by Hollywood producers and any advice would be appreciated. Blessings!

  2. Our twins were submitted for the role of Beck in your film Mom’s Night Out! Adventures in Babysitting is still to this day one of my favorite films- whether or not our boys can book this role, I can’t wait to see this film!

    • Thanks, Lissa! I also can’t wait to see it — ha! It’s always fun at the casting process — that’s where it really comes together. Thanks for your kind words.

  3. Looking forward to the finished MNO product! Great to meet you on set, Andrea. -Chris

  4. What about “Skary, Indiana” for the title? Has a nice ring to it…

    And you have to at least consider naming the dad in “Double O Dad” Kevin. Then you could title the movie, “Double O Kevin”. Huh? Huh? 😉

  5. How did your screenplay for ‘Gavin Stone come about?

  6. Alaina Niemann said:

    Just wanted to tell you Moms Night Out is my favorite movie. It plays like my autobiography! (For example, I also can’t get automated paper towel dispensers to work). Loved every minute.

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